Your offer is just that - an offer - until it has been accepted by both you and the seller. Once the offer has been presented to the seller - there are likely to be counter-offers going back and forth between you and the seller. Time is of the essence as other buyers could jump in during the process of the offer. You'll want to come to an agreement with the seller in the shortest reasonable amount of time possible.
If your offer is conditional on finance and inspection - there will be a limited time to fulfill those conditions and I will be there to make sure all takes place within the time period stated.
You will want to supply any information your mortgage broker/financial institution with the requested information as soon as possible.
Generally the buyer accompanies the home inspector and the realtor at the home inspection. A home inspection takes 2 to 3 hours on average.
I will act as your co-ordinator for all activities from this point and will keep everyone informed. The lender, home inspector, both lawyers, the other realtor and possibly the title insurance company will all be performing necessary duties during this time.
If necessary, I will work together with the cooperating realtor to negotiate any repairs that were noted during the home inspection Remember routine maintenance items are not the type of thing that should be noted and negotiated. The purpose of the home inspection is to avoid buying a home with major issues of any kind.
If this all sounds a little overwhelming - don't worry - you're in good hands. I have been through this many times and will be there for you during the entire process.